Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Third Rock -- Between Ark and a Hard Place"

"Third Rock -- Between Ark and a Hard Place"

Multitudinous times, magnitudinous spaces: Holy! Holy! Holy! Wholly Earth filling with Glory! Alluring to "unclean lips," tendering Earth-Self to limits -- the haphazardly holding of robe, defiant dimensions, intensely tapping, repellent garment -- bleeding selves dry without cure or relief.

"Here I am, send me!" Mend me! Must there have been some mistake?
Who, us? Spirit on Wind, lonely train whistle, humming us, haunting us, through fitful nights, willing to bear us, wherever we are to be borne.

"I Told Jesus Be Alright If He Changed My Name." No way of hiding God's priding in us! Called wherever we find ourselves being. "Wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall, shouting our praise!" Showing off every least creature.

Peter's Trinity: Rock, Rock-solid, Rock-solidarity.
South African Women: "In us you have struck a rock!"
Indigenous right where we are, whatever rock lying just under our surface, nearer our heart. Noah: dreamer, ark-builder, savior, every last species! Including our so-called own?

What are you? What am I? Intersecting cycles of water, earth, air, and fire, that's what I am, that's what you are . . . Earth -- matter made from rock and soil . . . Earth pours through us, replacing each cell of the body every seven years! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we ingest, incorporate, and excrete the earth, are made from the earth. I am that. You are that. (John Seed, Joanna Macy)

Trinity of Trinities: Ingestion! Incorporation! Excretion!
Law of the Universe: Eat, and Be Eaten!
Life on the Ark: Get along closely or not at all! Noah's children still left to cover past asses, drunk and naked, face-down in the tent. Sins of our parents: Buried by us? Carried by us? Floods followed forever by Promise made new?
"I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, nor will I again destroy every living creature."

What an impossible species we are, so much like the Species-Maker, testing our limits at every chance, getting away with whatever we can -- yet learning to be, indigenously, one species among countless others?

"In history, there are no solitary dreams; one dreamer breathes life into the next." (Sebastian Salgado)

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