Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All the King's Forces, All the King's Friends

"All the King's Forces, All the King's Friends"

"God stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at
the cross and marched them naked through the streets." Imagine that! From Paul! Was ever a self-shortened emperor clothed for long?

"Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom

"Appoint me President of the Senate

Appoint me Director of the Budget

Appoint me Attorney General of the Republic"

"Remember the crown of thorns

"Make me Chilean Counsel in Stockholm

Appoint me Superintendent of Railroads

Appoint me Commander-in-Chief of the Army

I'll take anything at all . . .

Head of the Highway Department

Supervisor of Gardens and Parks . . .

Put me in as Director of the Zoo."

"Blessed be the Name of the Father

And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit

"Put me in as Ambassador to any place . . .

If it comes down to it

Put me in as Superintendent of the Graveyards!"

(Nicanor Para)

Now there's a title for Easter morning! Who wants to be Superintendent of Graveyards on the Day of Resurrection?! Cosmic breach of Graveyard Security!

Foreboding Death of Death itself!

Life by appointment, places of witness, every size serving all.

Chicago politics: "Don't talk to nobody nobody sent!"

Doesn't "Somebody" have to answer for this?

Jesus, when you come into your kingdom, just give us the best deal we're likely to get. Powers, deadly to Jesus, choosing Barabbas, confessing to Pilate,

"No king but Caesar!" Deadly to us even now? Would we just as soon Jesus stayed dead? Risk risings to no new occasions? Leave us to somnamulate on?

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