Friday, April 22, 2011

Don't "Do Something," Ask the Life Question!

"Don't 'Do Something,' Ask the Life Question!"

Getting down, getting down, getting all the way down! Roots of past, trunk of present, branches, buds of future; as low on food, on water chains as we can go; always whole worlds looming under our feet, waters meandering, lowest points reachable. Looking down to lift others up -- very young, old, weak, sick, homeless, poor -- we among species who sleep on the ground? Touching Earth to beat of her Heart, straining to hear Her cry -- for lost species of every age and description.

Humans alone with powers of "decreation." "Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing!"

"Like a tree, planted by the waters, we shall not be moved!"

Time out! "Count to twelve!" "Lets stop . . . let's not speak." Not harm! Not kill! But walk with one another -- "in the shade, Doing nothing." "Life is what it is about." "Perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death. Perhaps the earth can teach us when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive." (Pablo Neruda)

An Earth Christ! Showing up where we least expect any new life, any new hope, to be -- even right where we are! Sated where we are sated. Gospel of Christ as God Overflowing -- with fish, with wine, where there were none before. Resurrection simply: Faith changes the world! Beginning with us . . .

* * * * *

Jesus handing "times out" to Peter, to Paul? Times for self-searching? Self-sighting? Falling full-saddled from horse? Jumping full-cloaked from boat? Resurrection sure way of arresting attention!

I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart . . . trying to love the questions themselves as if locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language . . . Living the questions now. Perhaps then, someday for the future, you will gradually, even without noticing it, live your way into the answer. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Reverberation of Resurrection, inliving, outliving us.

"We are Virginia Tech . . . embracing our mourning . . . child in Africa dying of AIDS . . . invisible child walking night away . . . Mexican child looking for fresh water . . . Appalachian infant killed in middle of night in his crib in home his father built with his own hands being run over by boulder because land was destabilized. "No one deserves a tragedy . . ." (Nikki Giovanni)

Long live this Hokie Nation.

Doters, doubters, deniers, deserters -- plus detectors of fresh-catch barbecuing as breakfast by lake: "There is no such thing as 'my' bread. All bread is ours and is given to me, to others through me, and to me through others." (Meister Eckhart)

Resurrection forever trans-othering.

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